What are the methods for confirming battery capacity?
Batterycapacityrefersto the amount of electricity that a battery can provide underspecifiedconditions. It is an important performanceindicatorof batteries. There are several ways todeterminebatterycapacity:
DischargeTesting:This is the mostaccuratemethod formeasuringbatterycapacity. The battery is fully charged and thendischargedat aconstantcurrentuntil the batteryvoltagereaches theterminationvoltage. The batterycapacitycan becalculatedby recording the<relin-highlight class="relingo-highlight" style="--max-zindex: 2147483647; --second-max-zindex: 2147483646; --safearea-top: env(safe-area-inset-top); --safearea-bottom: env(safe-area-inset-bottom); --primary-100: rgb(255, 112, 8); --primary-100-half: rgb(255, 112, 8, .5); --primary-110: #df5f04; --primary-10: #FFF5DE; --green: rgb(92, 178, 6); --green-8: rgba(92, 178, 6, .08); --green-12: rgba(92, 178, 6, .12); --orange: rgb(